The Place Model | Who is my teacher today?

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Proto Professionals

High Status


Local Restricted

Precarious Professionals

No Teacher




Clarke, L. (2017) Mapping teacher status and career-long professional learning: The Place Model, Discourse

This paper engages with key contemporary debates about teaching and teacher education through proposing an innovative, interdisciplinary model, the Place Model, which uses two senses of ‘place’ to provide comparative lenses for a timely, a priori examination of the place of the teacher: place in the humanistic geography tradition as a process – a cumulative, career-long professional learning journey – and, also, place in the sociological sense of teacher status. This page shows how the sections of the model might be speculative ‘populated’ with a range of exemplars in a way which raises important questions about conceptions of teachers across the globe, and provides an alternative and original vision of the profession which highlights salient dystopias and ideals of professionalism from the perspective of the pupil. Whist undeniably reductionist in nature (like many models) the Place Model presents a usefully uncluttered professional landscape which is mapped in a way which is intentionally schematic or diagrammatic rather than mathematical in nature (although it does look like a graph), a heuristic rather than a positivist equation. Like all maps, it is subjective, like all models it is wrong. Nevertheless, it does provide a framework within which a range of key local and global issues may usefully be compared and contrasted.